Are you selling something on your website?

For most financial advisors, we sell services and financial products.  Although we can’t sell mutual funds online, we might be able to sell other products that enhance what we do as our primary activity. For example, one of the ways to drive revenues and make your...

Email Marketing for the Holidays!

We are heading into the holiday season and it is always busy for everyone. Trying to get your message to people becomes increasingly harder because of the increased stimulus in the market place.  Here’s three quick tips for marketing during the busy holiday season:...

Is Traditional Media really old news?

Marketing is one of the absolute keys to success for any business, especially a financial advisor practice.  You can be a great advisor with lots of strong technical skills but if no one knows you exist, what good is that skill and technical strength? There are a lot...

Tips on getting noticed on the Internet

So you have a website.  Great!  Most advisors websites are merely corporate brochures that never change.  Others are mere templates and look like hundreds of other websites with a different logo and a different picture.  Your website is your new business card.  There...

Is your ‘ABOUT’ page dull?

I spend a lot of time on the internet looking at websites and lately, I have been looking at personal finance blogs with a real keen interest.  What I’ve noticed about these blog sites is I am attracted to the “ABOUT” page and then realized that this...

Online directory that rates advisors

Know Your Financial Advisor ( is planning to become Canada’s largest online directory of financial advisors with over 80,000 names.  According to their website, “You’ll be able to read reviews, communicate, and get to know more about advisors...
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